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Surf the web with phpMyProxy




About phpMyProxy

phpMyProxy is a free, light and powerful php proxy script programed by This free script is released under a GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, so you're pretty much free to use, share, modify, redistribute, etc... but please keep the link to in the footer intact. Have fun with it :)

Why was it named phpMyProxy? We love phpMyAdmin and PHProxy. So it was named phpMyProxy :)

And special thanks for Abdullah Arif who was created PHProxy. His excellent script provide me some good ideas for this script. A huge of thanks to everyone who reported bugs, sent me suggestions and feedback.

The template that this free script is using is Decorative. It's a free and designed by Free CSS Templates. If you use this template, keep the link to Free CSS Templates intact.

Why choose it?

It's free:


Server Requirements

Script Engine: PHP 4.0.2 or higher with cURL installed, Session Support.
Operating System: Any Operating Systems running PHP.
Web Server: Any Web Servers running PHP.

Download Links

Download phpMyProxy and other stuff at

Support and Contact Us

Any bugs, questions, suggestions and feedback, please post at our forums at